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End the military escalation and ensure the safety and human rights of civilians

September 20,2023 19:30

Strasbourg, 20 September 2023 – “I deplore the renewed military escalation around the Karabakh region and its impact on civilians, especially on the most vulnerable”, said today the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović.

“Over the past years, as noted in my 2021 Memorandum, the local population has been suffering the humanitarian and human rights consequences of armed hostilities in the region. Since last December, in particular, they have been living in isolation, experiencing acute shortages of basic supplies and services. I am deeply concerned to see that their safety is once again threatened and their human rights violated, deepening their suffering.

I note that a ceasefire has just been announced. It is crucial that armed hostilities in the region come to an end, to ensure the safety of the civilian population. Guaranteeing regular and unimpeded access for those who provide humanitarian assistance and those who ensure human rights protection to the affected local population is essential.

The path towards reconciliation should be urgently reinstated and dialogue based on full respect for the human rights of the affected population must be restored to ensure lasting peace for all people.

I confirm my commitment and readiness to engage with all the relevant interlocutors and to travel to the region to assist in overcoming the existing human rights challenges.”

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