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Charles Michel at the UN Security Council: ‘Who will be next to satisfy Putin’s fantasy of the past?’

September 22,2023 08:30

“Ukraine is a crime scene. The perpetrator is sitting in this very room,” President of the European Council Charles Michel said at the United Nations Security Council debate on Ukraine on 20 September. The 78th session of the UN General Assembly takes place this week at UN headquarters in New York.

“The Kremlin dreams of restoring the old Russian empire. After Ukraine, who will be next? Who will be next to satisfy Putin’s fantasy of the past? And if Russia succeeds in Ukraine, what other countries would be tempted to copy its actions?” asked Michel.

He reiterated that as long as the innocents are attacked, the EU will stay by the Ukrainians who are defending their children, families, future, and freedom.

“I ask you all, including the Russian representatives: could you bear having your child stolen and deported? Your child, forced to forget your family, your language, your land? So-called ‘re-education’. In fact, this is an attempt at cultural genocide,” said Michel.

In his statement, Charles Michel also called Security Council members to protect peace and security for all people, no matter their country or continent.

“We all share a responsibility, to end war and to work for peace. A just peace that respects the UN Charter and its core principles, the territorial integrity of each sovereign nation,” the European Council President said.

He specifically asked China “to join forces to persuade Russia to end this criminal war that is hurting so many”.

“You have warned Russia against the use of nuclear weapons, and we welcome this. Now we are asking you to go further,” said Michel addressing the Chinese Representative.

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