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Compulsory rules of behaviour to be set in customs control zones

September 28,2023 15:44

It is proposed to specify the bases of the administrative arrest of the persons by the customs employees, making them practically more applicable, more approximating the proceedings goals of being subject to administrative arrest. At the same time, the power of the Government of the adoption of the rules of behavior in the customs control zones, as well as not preserving the latter as a violation of the customs rules.

The Chairman of the RA State Revenue Committee Artur Manukyan said this at September 27 sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs, presenting for debate in the first reading the legislative package on Making Addenda and Amendments to the Law on Customs Regulation and on Amending the Law on Customs Service. In particular, by the functioning regulation the person can be subject to administrative arrest for 3 days: the draft proposes to make 6 hours that limit.

As a result of draft adoption, within two-month term the Government should set the compulsory rules of behaviour in the customs control zones.

Artur Manukyan informed that the initiative stems from the international experience: these regulations function in the EEU countries, as well as in Georgia.

The proposals of the relevant departments of the NA Staff were completely accepted.

The Committee gave positive conclusion to the initiative.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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