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It is proposed to clarify grounds for subjecting persons to administrative arrest in customs control zones

October 04,2023 18:45

The main purpose of the amendments is to clarify the grounds for subjecting persons to administrative arrest in the customs control zones, clarifying the process of their implementation, which is currently not regulated by law, and to set special rules of behavior in the customs control zone, which will be defined by the Government. The Deputy Chairman of the State Revenue Committee (SRC) Artur Manukyan said this during the NA regular sittings presenting the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Law on Customs Regulation in the first reading.

The rapporteur noted that violating the rules for the movement of persons and vehicles in the customs control zone for the first time will result in a warning, and in case of repeated violations within 6 months, a fine of two hundred thousand AMD will be applied.

The Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Babken Tunyan stated in the related report that while debating the draft in the Committee, they also listened to the lawyers’ opinions: They had some observations.

“The corrections will be made from the first to the second reading. The Committee endorsed it, so I call on his colleagues to endorse the draft,” the co-rapporteur said.

The Parliament adopted the draft law in the first reading by voting.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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