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Ruben Rubinyan: Naming Armenia “Western Azerbaijan” shows that Azerbaijan has become a threat to international order and international law

October 13,2023 20:15

On October 12, the RA NA Vice President Ruben Rubinyan gave a speech at PACE Autumn Session.

“Dear colleagues,

By now it all is clear. Azerbaijan had clear intent to ethnically cleanse the Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh, and they did. And what is astonishing in this discussion the level of cynicism of our Azerbaijani colleagues, who have become mere advocates of their authoritarian, genocidal regime. They are claiming that the Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh are Azerbaijani’s citizens, and Azerbaijan is a multi-cultural heaven on earth.

Did you notice that none of them uttered a single word about the fate of these 100.000 Armenians, none of them talked what needs they will have? No one of them had condolences for the people who have died, condolences for the people have been separated from their families. Nothing. But if we take into account that it was the clear intent of the regime they are representatives of, to get rid of these Armenians, everything becomes logical.

But this is not all, why I wanted to have a point of order is to reply to Mr. Jafarov. These people are so devoid of shame that even after ethnically cleansing an entire population just a couple of weeks ago, they come to this organization and call Armenia “Western Azerbaijan.”

If you haven’t noticed, he called Armenia “Western Azerbaijan.”

Dear colleagues, I think you don’t have to be a genius to understand that the recent actions of Azerbaijan, including the war waged in 2020, including the recent ethnic cleansing, including all these irredentist talks about demanding from Armenia an extra territorial corridor or not recognizing Armenia’s borders, and including them coming here and talking about Armenia and naming it “Western Azerbaijan.” You don’t have to be a genius to understand that Azerbaijan has become a threat to international order and international law.

And this regime has to be punished, punished by law, of course. We as the delegation of the Republic of Armenia, we expect the support of the international community, of each of you personally.

Because this is not about Armenia only, this is about international order and international law. Dear Chairs, I kindly ask you not to allow anyone here to use irredentist, aggressive terms, it is not acceptable to call the territory of Armenia “Western Azerbaijan,” I think I don’t need to explain why, thank you,” the NA Vice President Ruben Rubinyan said.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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