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13,888 children forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh were enrolled in the schools of the regions of Armenia and Yerevan

October 17,2023 11:15

Deputy Ministers of Economy Arman Khojoyan and Ashkhen Shirvanyan and the Press Secretary of the Prime Minister Nazeli Baghdasaryan presented from the “Humanitarian Center” the progress of the works to meet the needs of the forcibly displaced persons from Nagorno Karabakh.

Nazeli Baghdasaryan noted that the process of providing the one-time support of 100,000 AMD continues. She urged once again that those who do not have bank cards should approach any nearby bank and open a bank card account, after which they will receive the money automatically.

“In this process it is extremely important to be registered. If you have gone through this process once, there is no need to repeat it. As of today, the Migration and Citizenship Service is suspending the process of new registrations in electronic databases. If, however, you missed this process, you can still, until October 24, apply to either the municipal halls or administrative centers, where your registration process will be carried out. I would also like to remind you that with the relevant annex to the Government’s decision, until December 1st, if there was any rejection or any problems occurred during the payment of the lump sums, you can send an electronic application to the website and you will be answered,” said the press secretary of the Prime Minister.

It was also noted that the number of patients who were transferred to Armenia from Nagorno-Karabakh as a result of military operations and explosion and are receiving treatment in various medical centers of the capital is 198. The condition of 44 of them is serious, 10 – extremely serious. 19 patients receive their treatment in different clinics abroad. As of now, 28,861 compatriots forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh have been registered in polyclinics and outpatient clinics. 604 Artsakh citizens were examined by mobile teams.

According to the data provided by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, as of October 16, 13,888 children forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh were enrolled in the schools of the regions of Armenia and Yerevan. The distribution is as follows: Yerevan: 4363, Kotayk: 2408, Ararat: 1929, Armavir: 1227, Lori: 820, Gegharkunik: 676, Aragatsotn: 622, Shirak: 576, Syunik: 554, Tavush: 423, Vayots Dzor: 290. It was also informed that in the coming week the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport will launch the electronic platform for teachers’ registration.

Nazeli Baghdasaryan also noted that parallel to these processes, the implementation of various programs aimed at ensuring employment continues. Some of the programs are implemented by the Ministry of Economy.

As noted by Deputy Minister Arman Khojoyan, on October 12, a meeting was held at the Ministry of Economy with businessmen who were forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh, who were engaged in activities and investments in the field of agriculture. During the meeting, a number of questions regarding activities in the field of agriculture were raised. The details of the programs implemented by the Government were presented, a wide range of issues of interest to businessmen were discussed. Businessmen from the Republic of Armenia also participated in the meeting and made some proposals.

According to the Deputy Minister, the participants highlighted the need for education and training. Arman Khojoyan noted that the programs offered by the Government are mainly targeted, which were developed based on the assessment of the needs of the beneficiaries.

“Using this platform, I also want to appeal to the organizations operating in Armenia that want to offer cooperation information to our compatriots forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh. The Ministry of Economy expresses its readiness to coordinate these processes, develop them and present the proposals to the beneficiaries,”
 said Arman Khojoyan.

Deputy Minister of Economy Ashkhen Shirvanyan informed that during the meeting all the problems were raised, proposals were presented, based on which the necessary changes will be made in the programs and the most beneficial conditions for using the programs will be developed. “The programs are mainly aimed at the development of agriculture, and we hope that our compatriots will show great interest in the programs implemented by us.”


The Government of  the Republic of Armenia

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