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I remind all my colleagues that until effective sanctions are imposed on Azerbaijan, it will continue to commit further crimes-Taguhi Tovmasyan

October 20,2023 18:45

During written and oral communications with my international colleagues, I consistently address the issue of Armenian prisoners. I remind them that since 2020, Azerbaijan has been capturing Armenian and Artsakh citizens in various situations.

Azerbaijan is blatantly violating both the principles of international law and assumed international obligations by holding hundreds of prisoners of war and unlawfully abducted civilians, as well as military and political leaders from the Republic of Artsakh in Baku’s prisons.

In my letters to my international colleagues, I have emphasized that, for example, the accusations against Vagif Khachatryan regarding the crimes committed during the first Artsakh war are entirely baseless. I have asked them to exert pressure on Azerbaijan to release Vagif Khachatryan and our other compatriots from Baku prisons, enabling their return to their homeland.

I will persist in addressing the issue of repatriating our captured compatriots until a just and comprehensive solution is reached.

I remind all my colleagues that until effective sanctions are imposed on Azerbaijan, it will continue to commit further crimes.


Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs of the National Assembly of RA, whose powers have been illegally terminated, nonpartisan MP TAGUHI TOVMASYAN

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