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“Their” and “our” propaganda fairy tales

October 27,2023 10:30

Russian federal channels should have been removed from the public multiplex long ago; I wrote about it before 2018, how CNN was taken down. Especially today, when any citizen of Armenia can watch any Russian, American, or Chinese TV channel on the Internet. Therefore, no one’s right to receive information will be violated.

Since, as I have mentioned many times, criticizing the government at all costs is not part of my problems, it was right to call the Russian Ambassador to the Armenian Foreign Ministry and submit a note of protest in connection with the “First Channel” program. Regardless of how I feel about the “high-ranking leaders of the Republic of Armenia,” it is my right to speak about them in such terms, not Russian commentators. Of course, I also think that Armenian commentators should not talk about the leader of any other country in “Putler” style.

As for the content of the official propaganda of the Russian Federation, the propaganda tales are worth one another. The “Soros conspiracy” theory invented by the Kremlin is not inferior to Pashinyan’s theory about the Russian conspiracy in its primitive insanity. Both are entirely transparent.

If Russia wants (wanted) to carry out a coup, as the RA Prime Minister spoke almost openly from the podium of the European Parliament, and the government’s propagandists repeat ten times a day, then specific facts must be presented in favor of it. Conventionally speaking, they should have shown that the Russian “Victoria Nuland” came to the “Armenian Maidan” and distributed pies there.

In case of such facts, the Armenian Foreign Ministry should have summoned Kopyrkin again and submitted another protest note regarding these harassments or even tougher diplomatic measures.

Since this is not done, these conversations are more like “hanging in the air” news, which is made 1/ to please Western partners, 2/ for internal propaganda, to justify the thesis that “whoever is dissatisfied with Pashinyan’s policy is an agent of Russia,” or to put it in the language of an average Armenian level: “Whoever is against our Nikol, he is a Russian spy.”

Tens (maybe hundreds) of thousands of people in Armenia think so. As Arthur Schopenhauer wrote on such an occasion: “I cannot touch their hearts closely, but that does not bring honor to their heads.”


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