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The MPs drew the attention of the Chairman of the Public Services Regulatory Commission to the problems of shortcomings of the drinking water supply by the Veolia Jur Company

November 01,2023 20:15

In 2024, it is designed to allocate 1 billion 117 million AMD to the structure, and 82% out of it will be allocated to the payment of the salaries, and the remaining 18% to the services necessary for ensuring the regular activity of the structure and the acquisition of the goods, moreover the 7% will be directed to the acquisition of technical audit of the investments being implemented by the Electric Networks of Armenia (ENA) and the Gazprom Armenia. The Chairman of the Public Services Regulatory Commission Garegin Baghramyan informed this.

On October 31, at the joint sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs and on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs the debate of the draft law on the RA State Budget for 2024 continued.

Garegin Baghramyan informed that in 2024 the Commission will be led by its activity programme, which was presented to the National Assembly. At the end of the year, the work programme will also be approved. In the coming year works of providing licenses, the implementation of their changes, the study of application-bids will be continued, and if necessary, the review of tariffs and other works will continue implementing.

The Commission Chairman presented the programmes to be implemented and answered the deputies’ questions.

The MPs drew the attention of the Chairman of the Public Services Regulatory Commission to the problems of shortcomings of the drinking water supply by the Veolia Jur (water) Company, particularly the numerous rural settlements being deprived of drinking water, the loss of water, and other existing problems. It was noted that the citizens’ complaints are many in this connection. The deputies considered unacceptable such workstyle of the Company. The Chair of the Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Gevorg Papoyan noted that the Company should only make investments in the communities, install water meters and eliminate injustice making accessible the drinking water to everybody equally.

Garegin Baghramyan clarified that the Veolia Jur Company rented the water supply system and has investments for compulsory fulfilment annually in the amount of 3.7 billion AMD. The Company makes the amount5 of the annual investments 4-5 billion AMD. According to him, this is a drop in the sea, the investments mainly should be directed to the solution of the issues demanding urgent solution. “And the demand of the investments is mainly laid on the Water Committee and the state,” the rapporteur said, giving clarifications.

The deputies Gevorg Papoyan and Arusyak Manavazyan presented problems which referred to the water supply of multi-apartment buildings, as well as the regulation of the water removal issue of Araratyan Street of Parakar Community and the unavailability of the Veolia Jur Company.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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