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Sona Ghazaryan: The European states cannot ignore the conflict which sooner or later will have an impact on preservation of democratic and cultural values

November 06,2023 20:15

On November 6, the member of the RA NA Delegation to La Francophonie PA, the deputy of the RA NA Civil Contract Faction Sona Ghazaryan gave a speech in the European Regional Conference of La Francophonie PA started in Athens.

“Dear colleagues,

Today, we are discussing the war burst in the heart of Europe, which has terrible humanitarian consequences. The war obviously shocked the world, transforming the world order, which had irreversible aftermath for many countries.

This of process of the world order began two years before the Ukrainian war, on 27 September 2020, when Azerbaijan initiated large-scale war against Nagorno Karabakh. After two years, on 19 September 19, 2023, Azerbaijan unleashed military aggression against Nagorno Karabakh after ten-month blockade. Evidently, the aim of this aggression was the ethnic cleansing of the Armenians. During three years more than 100.600 people were forced to leave their homes and to look for asylum in Armenia.

Our sisters and brothers forcibly displaced from Nagorno Karabakh are at the centre of attention of the Government of the Republic of Armenia: a number of support programmes were initiated for the forcibly displaced people from Nagorno Karabakh. I also draw your attention to the fact that during recent three years Azerbaijan continuously attacked the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia, and now it does not agree to take part in the negotiations mediated by the West.

This year, On October 5, at the five-party meeting designed in Granada with the participation of Charles Michel, the President of France Emmanuel Macron and the Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholtz, the Prime Minister of Armenia Pashinyan and the President of Azerbaijan Aliyev signing of the five-party statement text. The document referred to the territorial integrity and inviolability of borders of Armenia and Azerbaijan, as it was noted before in the statements of the President of European Council Charles Michel of May 14 and of July 15, 2023. The next principle of the document is the demarcation of the borders on the basis of the Almaaty Declaration of 1991, which should be based on recent maps of the USSR Headquarters provided to the sides. The next principle, which was also stipulated in the Granada Statement, refers to the unblocking of the infrastructure, which should take place based on the principles of the full respect of the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the countries, as well as of the equality and reciprocity.

Dear colleagues, despite especially the complicated and tense international context, the European states cannot ignore the conflict which sooner or later will have an impact on preservation of democratic and cultural values,” the MP noted.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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