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“The civilized world should stand next to democracy”-Arusyak Julhakyan

November 07,2023 16:10

Arusyak Julhakyan gives a speech at 35th European Region Plenary Session of the La Francophonie PA


On November 6, the member of the RA NA Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie Arusyak Julhakyan gave a speech at 35th European Region Plenary Session of the La Francophonie PA going on in Athens. The MP noted:

“Dear colleagues,

The war is the worst enemy of democracy. And in our days the democracy passes through the most serious ordeals because of global upheavals and wars unleashed in different parts of the world. And a question arises if the democracy is able to ensure security, peace, welfare, or not.

My answer is yes definitely.

In Nagorno Karabakh, after the war of 2020, an attempt was made in Armenia to convince the public that democracy and security exclude each other, and it is impossible to be a strong and democratic state at the same time. However, the snap parliamentary elections showed that the Armenian people appeared to be rather wise to understand that democracy and security, democracy and power do not contradict each other. They are inter-connected, and it is not possible to be a powerful state with healthy and strong population without democracy.

I should underscore my conviction that in recent years the Republic of Armenia would simply be paralysed from the ordeals that it dealt with, would lose its independence and sovereignty, if it would not be democratic.

Dear colleagues, my conclusion from the analysis of different conflicts is that democracy is the key for global security and peace.

Only democracy can bring real peace, as the democratic states don’t make war with each other, the democratic societies do not generate conflicts, they solve the conflicts.

But the democracy is very vulnerable, when it deals with the dictatorships, as the dictators are not intended to keep the international norms. They don’t fulfill the judicial acts of the international judicial instances, they openly and impertinently despise the world order. It is very complicated to reach peace for the democratic societies because of this in case of having conflict with authoritarian.

Therefore, the civilized world should stand next to democracy, against dictatorship, especially the developing, young democracy newly taken that path.

The international community should prove the societies that have chosen the path of democracy that the aspiration for peace is right, we should not let that the dictatorship regimes reach their goal. The democratic societies are sometimes misled, get disappointed, the fake or other demanding ideas begin to become dominant in those societies, when the latter see that the efforts of dictatorships succeed. In this aspect the international community has an important mission. We should prove the democratic societies that despite the fact that their path is full of complications, they have the support of the civilized world.

Thank you.”


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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