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The Armenian Lawyers Assembly was held in Armenia

November 08,2023 15:00

On October 27-29, the Armenian Lawyers Assembly, organized by the Office of the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs, was held in Yerevan.

Over 250 Armenian lawyers from 31 countries participated in the Assembly sessions under the theme “Armenia and the World: Defending our rights abroad and at home”.

The Assembly goals have been the following: to foster connections and collaboration between Armenian lawyers from Armenia and the Diaspora, and to discuss important legal issues concerning the homeland and the Diaspora. Additionally, the Assembly aimed at exploring opportunities for involving specialists and creating an agenda for collaboration.

Zareh Sinanyan, the High Commissioner of Diaspora Affairs, Arman Dilanyan, the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Armenia, Sasun Khachatryan, the Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Committee of Armenia, judges of the RA Supreme Court, members of the RA National Assembly, and other high-ranking officials participated in the opening ceremony of the Assembly.

The High Commissioner welcomed the guests and highlighted the commitment of Diaspora Armenian lawyers in safeguarding Armenian interests. “I am aware that there are people here today who are involved in protecting Armenian interests around the world in different ways. Soft power is an important tool, and if the Armenian Diaspora uses it strategically and with a modern approach, it can bring about significant changes in protecting Armenian interests. I believe that involving various Diaspora groups in advocacy efforts can be one of the most effective ways to support our homeland,” stated Zareh Sinanyan.

Earlier, the participants of the Assembly visited the memorial for victims of the Armenian Genocide and placed flowers around the eternal flame.

Lawyers of Armenian descent from various countries, including the USA, Great Britain, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Argentina, Russia, and others, who have significant public influence and professional experience, served as moderators and speakers at the five panel sessions and four workshops of the Assembly over the next two days. Representatives from the Armenian Government, Members of Parliament, representatives from the judiciary, and individuals involved in Human Rights protection also delivered speeches during these sessions and workshops.

The Assembly focused on various topics, including the role of the Diaspora legal community in supporting legislative reforms in the Republic of Armenia, legal processes after the war, ensuring the safety of Armenians in the global Diaspora, legal issues related to protecting and supporting Armenian national interests, and the potential for creating a pan-Armenian network of Armenian lawyers.

Team Telecom Armenia was the main partner of the Armenian Lawyers Assembly.

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