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Ambassador Ter Stepanian played an invaluable role in advancing Armenia’s ties with the Francophonie and its member states-Armenia Ararat

November 09,2023 18:45

Below we present the remarks of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan at Tribute in the memory of Christian Ter-Stepanyan, the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Armenia to UNESCO in Paris.

“It is with heavy heart that I am paying tribute in memory of Permanent Representative of Armenia, our dear colleague H.E. Mr. Christian Ter Stepanian who passed away on November 7 at the age of 72.

Ambassador Ter Stepanian was a prominent diplomat, who made a great contribution to the establishment of the system of the Diplomatic Service of Armenia and proudly represented our country in various international fora.
Christian Ter Stepanian dedicated the last years of his life to promoting the core values and principles of UNESCO and strengthening Armenia’s cooperation with the Organization.

As the Personal Representative of the Prime Minister of Armenia to the International Organization of Francophonie Ambassador Ter Stepanian played an invaluable role in advancing Armenia’s ties with the Francophonie and its member states.

The 30 year-long professional career of Christian Ter Stepanian was marked with dedication, professionalism and tireless work in serving Armenia and promoting its national priorities and international cooperation. A brilliant person and a good friend for many diplomats, currently present here, he will be remembered by the diplomatic community.

I extend my deepest condolences to Ambassador’s family members, relatives and all those who mourn his loss.”

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