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Minister of Labor and Social Affairs: About 755 billion 291 million drams have been planned for 2024, which has increased by 101 billion 512 million drams or 15.5%

November 17,2023 12:44

Within the framework of the debate of the draft law on the State Budget of the Republic of Armenia for 2024, the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Narek Mkrtchyan touched upon the budgetary allocations and the programmes to be implemented in the field of labor and defense of the Ministry led by him.

“About 755 billion 291 million drams have been planned for 2024, which has increased by 101 billion 512 million drams or 15.5%. Moreover, this increase is mainly conditioned by the increase of the financial resources aimed at the improvement of the demographic situation, pension, social security and the reforms planned in other areas,” Narek Mkrtchyan detailed.

In order to achieve the set goals, state support programmes are designed, in which the target will be the improvement of the demographic situation, the realization of the rights of persons with disabilities, the encouragement of education and work among the disadvantaged groups of the population, and the development of the institution of foster care. In 2024, the implementation of the programmes to support our compatriots forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh will continue.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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