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Deputy Minister: Eight communities will receive 50 million AMD, which are mainly populated with national minorities

November 17,2023 14:14

At November 16 sitting, the National Assembly debated in the second reading and adopted by voting a number of legislative initiatives.

Presenting the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the law on Financial Equalization the RA Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Vache Terteryan informed that as a result of the adoption of the proposing amendments, the communities with low income possibility, as well as having certain gender-age of the population living in remote, high mountainous areas due to coefficients will have an opportunity to receive more subsidies. It is designed to provide 50 million AMD to each community with 360 residents, and additional 5 million AMD to each one from border settlements of the communities. According to the Deputy Minister, eight communities will receive 50 million AMD, which are mainly populated with national minorities.

The member of the NA Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment Protection Davit Danielyan presented the endorsement.

Vache Terteryan also presented the draft law on Amending the Law on Social Support of Border Communities .

It is also proposed to extend the term of the law inforce for 3 more years, which will give an opportunity to the residents of the settlements included in the list of the communities receiving social support to get compensation for gas, electricity, irrigation until 2027. The residents of the abovementioned settlements will also continue making use of other compensation programmes established by the decision of the Government of December 18, 2014 N 1444.

Davit Danielyan presented the endorsement of the NA Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment Protection.

There is a demand by the legislation in effect that all medical professionals will have continuing professional development (CPD) certificates for receiving right to job. It is proposed by the presented initiative not to spread the demand of having CPD certificate for the senior and mid-level medical professionals to carry out medical aid and service on the mid-level and senior medical professionals forcibly displaced from Nagorno Karabakh after September 19 of 2023 until January 1, 2025.

“During that period we’ll have an opportunity to help our compatriots to recruit their credits and to receive a certificate,” the RA First Deputy Minister of Health Lena Nanushyan noted, presenting for debate in the second reading the addendum being proposed to the law on Medical Aid and Service of the Population.

As the Deputy Minister informed, at this moment 678 medical professionals were sent to trainings, 96 medical professionals have already been certified.

It was noted that the state carries out works for employment, have mapped all vacancies in the marzes and proposes the compatriots to add them, in case of receiving additional payment for 6=month period.

The member of the NA Standing (Head) Committee on Health Care Hripsime Hunanyan presented the endorsement of the Committee.

According to the MP, there were no proposals from the first to the second reading.

The Head of Migration and Citizenship Service of the RA Ministry of Internal Affairs Armen Ghazaryan presented the amendment being proposed to the law on Defense. He noted that the amendment is conditioned by the formation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is reserved the implementation of the police functions.

The member of the Standing Committee on Defense and Security Vilen Gabrielyan presented the endorsement.

The package of the draft laws on Making Amendments and Addendum to the law on Passport of the Citizen of the Republic of Armenia and on Amending the law on Identification Cards was debated in the second reading at the NA regular sitting.

The Head of Migration and Citizenship Service of the RA Ministry of Internal Affairs Armen Ghazaryan noted that during the first reading it was debated in detail at the Standing Committee on Defense and Security. There were no amendments from the first to the second reading.

The member of the Standing Committee on Defense and Security Vahagn Aleksanyan presented the co-report of the draft. The parliamentarian informed that after long disputes an agreement was reached to initiate a debate regarding the drafts in the committee, where the parliamentary opposition will take part.

The draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA Tax Code presented by the Government was debated in the second reading. The Chairman of the State Revenue Committee Karen Tamazyan presented it.

The rapporteur informed that there were no amendments from the first to the second reading.

The member of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Davit Arushanyan presented the endorsement of the Head Committee. The MP mentioned that the draft was endorsed as a result of debate.

The National Assembly ended the work of the regular sittings.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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