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U.S. Embassy Announces Preservation of Yereruyk Basilica through Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation

November 20,2023 21:01

On November 20, U.S. Ambassador Kristina Kvien hosted an event to launch a new Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) Initiative. Through the initiative, the 4th-5th Century Yereruyk Basilica in Shirak Province will be preserved with a $175,000 conservation grant from the U.S. Embassy.

“We are honored that our support through the Ambassador Fund for Cultural Preservation will contribute to the preservation of Yereruyk Basilica, safeguarding this treasure for the world, and making this example of Armenia’s unique cultural heritage accessible for future generations,” said Ambassador Kvien.

Through the Ambassadors Fund, the U.S. Embassy in Yerevan has provided $1.4 million in funding to support 13 conservation projects since 2005.  The Yereruyk initiative will include fortification of the monument’s walls, replacement of eroded stones, installation of a drainage system to reroute water, improvement of the monument environment and its preparation as an area for exhibition of the existing monumental stones.

Approximately 50  guests from across the cultural heritage and education sectors attended the launch event.  Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Zhanna Andreasyan attended and spoke on behalf of the Armenian government.

Other recent AFCP projects for Armenia include, preservation of Sanahin Monastery in Lori Province, restoration of endangered frescoes at St. Hovhannes Church in Meghri, Syunik Province, and preservation of the Areni-1 Cave in Vayots Dzor.  See a complete list of previous AFCP projects in Armenia. Learn more about AFCP.

Premiere of “Awakening” Music Video by MVF Band

The event also featured the premiere of the “Awakening” music video by MVF Band, funded by the U.S. Embassy. The band recently traveled to the United States on the U.S. Department of State’s Center Stage cultural exchange program.  Featuring the song “Awakening”, the music video showcased the band performing at Yereruk Basilica, as well as across the United States during their U.S. exchange.

Watch the music video

“We are proud to produce this music video to celebrate MVF’s U.S. exchange experience and recognize their important efforts to deepen U.S.-Armenia cultural ties” said Ambassador Kvien.


Ambassador’s Remarks: Launch of Yereruyk Basilica AFCP project

November 20, 2023

Minister, distinguished guests, friends, and partners, thank you for joining us today.  This year the U.S. Department of State’s Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation received 141 proposals worldwide.  Only a handful of projects are selected for funding each year, and  I am proud that a proposal from Armenia was selected in this very competitive process.  Today, I am honored to announce the launch of the 14th Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation project in Armenia: the magnificent Yereruyk Basilica of the 4th-5th century in Shirak Province will be preserved through a $175,000 conservation grant.

This stunning basilica is one of the earliest surviving Christian monuments in Armenia, and has been on the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative list since 1995.  I would like to congratulate our partners at the Armenian government, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, and the implementing organization, Scientific Research Center of Historical and Cultural Heritage SNCO, on their successful proposal.

I also want to acknowledge the important efforts of the French Embassy, as well as European organizations and specialists, who have also invested efforts in supporting the preservation of Yereruyk through various conservation activities during past years.  Our project will build on this critical foundation, and help to make this stunning example of Armenia’s unique heritage accessible for future generations.

The U.S. Embassy is proud to support the people of Armenia, not only through heritage preservation, but also through various cultural diplomacy initiatives and educational exchanges.  We have participants from several different U.S. exchange programs here with us today, including the alumni of the State Department’s Center Stage exchange program.

Earlier this year, two Armenian musical ensembles – MVF Band and Naghash Ensemble – joined the Center Stage exchange program, and toured the United States to share Armenian musical traditions with American audiences.  They performed at legendary U.S. venues—including the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC— and engaged with American audiences through performances, workshops, discussions, jam sessions, and residencies.  To celebrate this unique cultural exchange, and underscore our deep respect for Armenia’s cultural heritage, we have produced a music video featuring MVF Band performing their beautiful song “Awakening” at Yereruyk. The video showcases the grandeur of the basilica, as well as features footage from the band’s U.S. exchange.  I am delighted to premiere this music video today, produced by our partner, Armenia TV.  Ladies, and gentlemen: I give you, “Awakening.”

Congratulations to MVF Band, and thank you to Armenia TV, for helping us shine a light on Armenia’s stunning cultural heritage for global audiences.

And now I’d like to invite Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, Zhanna Andreasyan, to say a few words.   


Thank you Minister.  And thank you for your partnership.  And now let’s go ahead and sign this Memorandum of Understanding to make this partnership official!

The U.S.-Armenia relationship is strong, and getting stronger. On behalf of the U.S. Embassy, I would like to give a toast to reaffirm our commitment to working together to preserve Armenia’s cultural heritage, and safeguarding these treasures for the world.

And now, I invite all of our guests, to please join me for a glass of sparkling wine, to celebrate today’s announcement, and continued U.S.-Armenia partnership on cultural heritage preservation.



U.S. Embassy Yerevan

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