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The Ambassador referred to the policy of ethnic cleansing against the Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh, the aggression against the sovereign territory of Armenia

November 26,2023 18:35

On 24 November Ambassador Henk Cor van der Kwast of the Netherlands and Ambassador Hyoung-chan Choe of South Korea facilitated a discussion at the International Criminal Court with the participation of Ambassador Viktor Biyagov, Ambassadors and Representatives of the States Parties to the Court.

The Ambassador of Armenia briefed the participants on the process of the ratification of the Rome Statute by Armenia. In his presentation V.Biyagov underlined that the decision to ratify the Rome statute was driven by sincere belief in universal values, multilateralism and justice.

The Ambassador referred to the policy of ethnic cleansing against the Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh, the aggression against the sovereign territory of Armenia and mass atrocities that have been committed.

Ambassador Viktor Biyagov assured the colleagues of Armenia’s unequivocal commitment to spare no effort in its fight against impunity.

The colleagues welcomed Armenia’s decision to ratify the Rome Statute, considering it as an important step towards the universalisation of the international criminal justice system. Participants exchanged views on the issues of further raising the effectiveness of the International Criminal Court, possible capacity building programs for Armenia and the forthcoming Assembly of States Parties.


Embassy of Armenia in The Netherlands

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