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Seyran Ohanyan: “In the created complicated military-political state it is more than necessary that the civil society of the Republic of Armenia expresses its viewpoint”

November 27,2023 16:04

Hayakve civil initiative proposed a draft of addenda to the RA Criminal Code, according to which, criminally punishable acts with special norm are characterized the recognition of Nagorno Karabakh in any other state and refusal from the recognition of the Armenian Genocide or downplaying its danger on behalf of the Republic of Armenia: The Head of the RA NA Armenia Faction Seyran Ohanyan said.

On November 24, the RA NA Armenia Faction convened parliamentary hearings on the agenda item proposed by Hayakve civil initiative, where representatives of public, political field, scientific sphere took part.

According to Seyran Ohanyan, the aim is to express the viewpoints on two most important issues for the Armenian people, as well as the formation of the participatory democratic bases. “In the created complicated military-political state it is more than necessary that the civil society of the Republic of Armenia expresses its viewpoint, because the geopolitical developments, the regional events, the environment of security that exists makes the whole potential of the civil society, the thought and the proposals to address holding discussions on such important issues and getting out from difficult situation,” the Head of the Faction noted.

The Secretary of the RA NA Armenia Faction Artsvik Minasyan presented the draft statement, highlighting the initiative as a first successful attempt, when more than RA 50.000 citizens having the right to elect initiated legislative amendment. To his presentation, the initiative refers to two pillars of national, statehood pillars – the fulfillment of the obligation assumed by the Republic of Armenia towards Nagorno Karabakh (NK) and the recognition, condemnation of the Armenian Genocide, its compensation and demand issues.

Artsvik Minasyan quoted the pre-election programmes regarding the solution of the Nagorno Karabakh problem of three political forces represented in the parliament, underlining that the issue of the protection of the right to self-determination of the Nagorno Karabakh people passes through the red thread in them. According to him, the ruling political force has not only consistently fulfilled the promises given in 2021, but has failed them.

Artsvik Minasyan informed that the Hayakve civil initiative and the draft statement are subject to debate in the National Assembly at the Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs on December 4.

The Representative of the Coordinator Council of the Hayakve civil initiative Avetik Chalabyan noted in his speech that the policy pursued by the power resulted in the depopulation of Armenians from Nagorno Karabakh and its factual dissolution of the state structure formed through decades. According to the rapporteur, the initiative is more than topical, and the legal bases are vulnerable.

In the speeches reference was made to the return of the people forcibly displaced from Nagorno Karabakh to their homeland and ensuring their safe and dignified life on the basis of the right to self-determination, the encroachments towards the sovereign territory of Armenia by Azerbaijan, the continuity of the activities of the institutional structures operating in Nagorno Karabakh, the steps taken for the preservation of the Nagorno Karabakh historical-cultural monuments, presenting a number of proposals. The necessity of resisting by the right of force to the coercion of force of Hayakve was stressed.

In his final speech Artsvik Minasyan mentioned that unity was expressed with parliamentary hearings showing that the Pan-Armenian problems can be solved being united.



National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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