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Committee votes for addendum being proposed to law on Customs Regulations

November 27,2023 20:02

The addendum being proposed to the law on Customs Regulations was debated in the second reading procedure at the sitting of the Standing Committee on Regional and Eurasian Integration Committee.

The Deputy Chairman of the RA State Revenue Committee Ashot Muradyan reminded that the purpose of the regulations is the definition of the responsibility in case of not fulfilling or indecently fulfilling the duties by the national operator prescribed by the Agreement On Using the Navigation Seals for Monitoring Traffic in the Eurasian Economic Union. If the non-decent work does not result in the customs payment and non-tariff regulation violations, then causes a penalty in the amount of thirty thousand AMD. In case of occurring violations of the customs payments and non-tariff regulations, the penalty is in the amount of fifty percent, but not less than 100.000 AMD. In repeating the violation more than twice during one month with the next norm, the operator will be deprived of his/her status. It is proposed to add a new paragraph, by which the squares of the open areas of temporary storage warehouses and the squares should have a solid coating (asphalt, concrete or other similar coating). Ashot Muradyan also presented other proposals of technical character.

The MPs voted for the adoption of the legislative proposal.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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