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EU and UNDP hand over cutting-edge Virtual Reality tool to Armenian police

November 28,2023 14:14

On 22 and 23 November, the EU-funded ‘Accountable Institutions and Human Rights Protection in Armenia’ project, handed over a Virtual Reality (VR)-based training tool for crime scene investigation to the Police Educational Complex (PEC).

The project also organised a training session for Armenian policemen on how to work with this new tool adapted to the Armenian context.

During the event, Konstantin Sokulskiy, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Armenia, noted the pivotal role of this cutting-edge technology in advancing learning methodologies for police officers. He said it was very important to integrate such sophisticated tools into the training curricula of the Police Educational Complex (PEC) as a crucial step towards the modernisation of law enforcement education in Armenia.

The transfer of the VR tools to the PEC by UNDP is an integral component of the broader support  provided for police reforms in Armenia under the ‘Accountable Institutions and Human Rights protection in Armenia’ project, funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA and OSCE.


UNDP in Armenia

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