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Arayik Harutyunyan attends the opening ceremony of the memorial plaque dedicated to Aram Khachatryan in Tbilisi

November 28,2023 09:44

Arayik Harutyunyan, Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister, chairman of the jubilee committee on Aram Khachaturian’s 120th anniversary, attended the opening ceremony of the plaque dedicated to Aram Khachatryan in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, on November 27.

The memorial plaque was placed at 93 Uznadze Street, where the world-famous composer lived in 1906-1922.

Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Daniel Danielyan, President of Tbilisi Sakrebulo Giorgi Tkemaladze were also present at the event.

Ambassador of Armenia to Georgia Ashot Smbatyan and president of Sakrebulo G. Tkemaladze delivered welcome speeches. In his speech, the Armenian Ambassador emphasized the influence of the years spent in Tbilisi on the formation and establishment of Khachatryan as a composer and thanked the Sakrebulo of Tbilisi for supporting the initiative of the Armenian Embassy in Georgia and the Aram Khachatryan House-Museum in Yerevan.


The Government of the Republic of Armenia


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