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It is designed to review rate of state duty for motor vehicles

November 29,2023 21:00

The necessity of the adoption of the draft is conditioned by the solution of the problems caused during the payment of the rates for the use of the state duty being levied for the temporary storage of the goods.

The Deputy Chairman of the State Revenue Committee (SRC) Artur Manukyan said this at November 29 sitting of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs, presenting for debate in the first reading the draft law on Making Addenda to the law on State Duty.

According to him, at present, as a result of the use of the state duty rates, in the temporary storage warehouse of the RA SRC Northern Customs Office-Department of Gyumri Motor Vehicle Office Centre there is accumulation of motor vehicles imported to the Republic of Armenia, which is conditioned by the fact of low rates.

As the rapporteur assured, duty for the first day will not be levied, by that encouraging the clearance of the cars within one day.

The MPs’ questions mainly referred to the rate being proposed to the state duty and the term for the temporary storage of the vehicles.

The Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Babken Tunyan was interested in the number of days for the vehicle parking.

In response to the question it was noted that at the moment in the temporary storage warehouse being on the territory of Gyumri Motor Vehicle Office Centre 1300 vehicles are parked.

By Babken Tunyan’s proposal, the period from the first to the second reading will be used specifying and clarifying some issues.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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