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The justice is an institutional phenomenon. What is not institutional, is not justice, it is not jurisdiction: Nikol Pashinyan

December 06,2023 22:02

On December 6, the parliament continued debating the draft law on State Budget 2024 of the Republic of Armenia. The RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan gave a final speech and, particularly, spoke about the jurisdiction which is also of strategic importance.

“The greatest expectation of the people, who carried out popular, non-violent velvet revolution of 2018 was the justice, the elimination of corruption from the Republic of Armenia. I record with regret that those expectations are still not met, which means that they are not fulfilled at least not fully.

But what does this mean, why those expectations are not fulfilled? Does that mean that the Government has betrayed the principles and values of the revolution?” the Prime Minister of the country underlined and in this context spoke about the notions jurisdiction and justice. According to him, after 2028 revolution most of the people expected that revolution in jurisdiction will take place. “We did not go through that path: We have not carried out an October socialist revolution, but a revolution of solidarity, and we promised that there won’t be vendettas in Armenia. This is an important nuance, because as the justice, so not adopting workstyle of vendettas are considered to be our revolutionary obligation before the people,” Nikol Pashinyan recorded and added: Our approach has been and continues remaining the same: The jurisdiction is defined in the institutes, which do justice, have competence of establishing jurisdiction and function on the basis of law and Constitution. The justice is an institutional phenomenon, and my conviction has been and remain that what is not institutional, is not justice, and cannot be. Otherwise, one can deem jurisdiction shooting another one on the porch, the second one – the other’s jaw breaking, the third one – entering in the ‘share’ of other’s business, the fourth – taking the property from another person. This cannot only be justice, if in public opinion, it is considered fair, but it is also a direct way of undermining the state and statehood, the supreme result of lack of will of having a state.”

The Head of the Executive spoke about the steps of the Government aimed at the establishment of institutional jurisdiction and added that the answer to this question also gives the RA state budget. In this context he presented in detail the increase in financing of the judiciary, the essential rise in salaries at that sphere, he spoke about the drawbacks of the system, delays in proceedings.

“The citizen of the Republic of Armenia should be sure that injustice has occurred towards him/her, he/she confidently, justice has an opportunity to be restored through state institutes, and that feeling is essential in terms of the interests of the development of our state, the Republic of Armenia,” the Prime Minister stated.

National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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