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Probation service to become a separate type of state service

December 11,2023 20:00

On December 11, the National Assembly continued the work of its regular sittings. The draft law on Probation Service and the enclosed legislative package were debated in the first reading.

“As a result of the adoption of the package of drafts, in accordance with the Government’s programme, it is expected to reform the status of the Probation Service, making it a separate type of state service,” the RA Deputy Minister of Justice Levon Balyan said.

The legislative initiative regulates the specifics of the organization and operation of the service in the competent body implementing probation in the Republic of Armenia as a separate type of state service.

The member of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Arpine Davoyan presented the endorsement of the Committee.

The Secretary of the NA Armenia Faction Artsvik Minasyan inquired about the issue of resocialization and employment of delinquent persons, in response to which the Deputy Minister of Justice informed that there is a training center in Ararat Province, where the beneficiaries are taught a number of professions: Hairdressing, furniture making, pottery, etc. There is an aim to expand the range of beneficiaries and move the mentioned center to Yerevan to ensure easier communication.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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