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“Such treatment especially towards the parents of the fallen servicemen should have received even greater legal assessment”: Taguhi Tovmasyan

December 14,2023 09:44

The world marks December 10 as International Human Rights Day. One note, human rights can be violated in all countries, but it is very important what the state will show to fight against human rights violations. We have serious problems here. During the parliamentary briefings, touching upon the problems regarding the issue of the protection of human rights in Armenia, the deputy of the RA NA With Honor Faction Taguhi Tovmasyan said this.

She referred to the actions taken against the parents of the fallen soldiers in Yerablur Military Pantheon on 21 September 2022, underlining that a number of fundamental rights were violated by their detention. “And we are informed that during the investigation that took place for more than a year, there was no crime in the actions of any police officer, the case was dismissed and no police officer was punished. I think that such treatment especially towards the parents of the fallen servicemen should have received even greater legal assessment,” Taguhi Tovmasyan said.

The deputy touched upon the elections of the local self-government bodies held in Alaverdi, underscoring that the same situation, when the candidates were detained, happened in Berd community, Vardenis, Vedi, Sisian, Talin, Parakar, Nor Hachn, Proshyan.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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