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Daily solutions for Viva-MTS clients based on artificial intelligence and deep neural networks

December 14,2023 18:45

Two leading technology companies, Viva-MTS and Yandex Plus, are launching a joint offer for mobile users.

Viva-MTS, Armenia’s leader in the ICT sector, aspires to provide its subscribers more than only mobile communication services. The company focused on digital solutions.

The goal of today’s innovation is a free offer created for individual subscribers. The updated Yandex Plus service has become available to subscribers of prepaid and postpaid tariff plans “X” and “Y” of Viva-MTS. Now they will be able to use the updated application Yandex Music, films and shows on Kinopoisk, e-books and audiobooks on Bookmate, as well as 10% more affordable rides with Comfort and higher tariffs on Yandex Go.

Details of cooperation were presented during the press conference by Viva-MTS General Director Armen Avetisyan and coordinator of the Armenian office, director of new Yandex products Dmitry Stepanov.

In particular, the Yandex Music service switched to a new recommendation model using deep neural networks in the “My Wave” recommendation system and received an update to the main sections of mobile applications, including branding, logo and visualization. Now they better reflect the listener’s emotions at the moments when Yandex Music guesses their musical preferences and plays exactly the music he needed to hear. The smart recommendation system “My Wave” now uses deep neural networks to understand how users’ musical interests are developing and predict possible options for their development. This allows My Wave to discover three times more new favorite artists to listeners than they find on their own.

“Using artificial intelligence opens up new opportunities in identifying and meeting customer needs. Yes, in the era of digital transformation of telecommunications, the term “client” is replacing the term “subscriber”. Artificial intelligence is added to voice communications and Internet access, allowing you to guess the preferences of each person thousands of times faster. As a result, the ability to offer more convenient, targeted and accessible solutions increases immeasurably. Digital transformation continues, and Viva-MTS has been and remains a leader in this area. Our team spares no effort to provide our customers with the best, collaborating with technology leaders, one of which is Yandex Plus, which has introduced advanced solutions in various markets,” Armen Avetisian, General Director of Viva-MTS said.

“People’s musical preferences are not static; they can change with different dynamics over time.” For example, people may briefly “fall in love” with a certain artist or genre, but this adoration fades. There are other patterns, such as when a person discovers and sticks with his favorite song for an extended period of time. His tastes evolve slowly, and he shifts from one genre to another without even realizing it. Thus, “My Wave” can now understand the path of growth of a person’s musical taste and predict his hobbies by assessing his listening history, the sequence of music tracks, and other elements. This is comparable to the work of modern language models like Yandex GPT, but in the context of music,” Dmitri Stepanov, Director on new products, Yandex Hub director in Armenia said.

The service Yandex Plus can be activated via the My Viva-MTS application. The prepaid and postpaid subscribers of “X” and “Y” tariff plans can activate the service Yandex Plus via the My Viva-MTS application. In the case of prepaid subscription, the service is activated at the next reactivation of embedded packages; in case of postpaid subscription – on the first day of the month following activation.

Viva-MTS (MTS Armenia CJSC) is Armenia’s leading telecommunications operator, having the widest network reach and spreading a wide range of Voice and Data services all across Armenia. Having the best of the Armenian people at heart since its launch on 1st July 2005 and in a short period of time Viva-MTS has managed to build a nationwide network and a considerable customer base. Viva-MTS drives innovation and aims at always being at the forefront of any development serving the Armenian mobile communications market.  The company follows the guidance provided by ISO 26000 (International Standard of Social Responsibility), ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (Information Security Management System) and ISO 37001 (International anti-bribery management systems standard). Additional information about Viva-MTS can be found at:


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