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Central Electoral Commission to continue to monitor all phases of electoral process with initiative

December 23,2023 12:02

The deputies of the Civil Contract Faction Arpine Davoyan and Anush Kloyan are the authors of the draft law on Amending the Constitutional Law Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia the enclosed package of bills.

The key-rapporteur Arpine Davoyan noted that according to the current regulations of the RA Electoral Code, the Control-Audit Service carries out control over contributions, expenses and their calculation to pre-election funds. According to Article 22 of the Constitutional Law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA Electoral Code Constitutional Law adopted on May 7, 2021, the part of the relevant article of the Electoral Code is amended, and the date of entry into force became January 1, 2024, which as a result, the implementation of the above-mentioned functions is assigned to the RA Corruption Prevention Commission.

According to Arpine Davoyan, according to Article 194.1 of the Constitution, the Central Electoral Commission is an independent state body that organizes the elections of the National Assembly and local self-government bodies, referenda, and also supervises their legality.

“The Constitution has reserved the right to control all the phases of the electoral process to the Central Electoral Commission,” the co-author underlined.

The initiative proposes that the Central Electoral Commission, as an independent and non-partisan body, should continue to carry out the control assigned to it.

“Why is the function not entrusted to the Corruption Prevention Commission?” the deputy Sergey Bagratyan inquired. The rapporteur informed that the Corruption Prevention Commission presented a positive position regarding the initiative. The deputy mentioned that the final conclusion was reached as a result of a general debate.

The member of the Standing (Head) Committee on State and Legal Affairs Trdat Sargsyan presented the endorsement of the Committee.

The RA Deputy Minister of Justice Armenuhi Harutyunyan, highlighting the amendment regarding the extension of the term, noted that it is aimed at ensuring the observance of the existing regulations until January 1, 2025.

The Parliament debated the issue in the first reading at the extraordinary sitting convened on December 22.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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