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Amendments to law on Medical Aid and Service of Population and to enclosed laws

January 10,2024 11:30

In 2021, two important laws on Assessment of Person’s Functionality and on Rights of Persons with disabilities were passed, and conditioned by that 15 laws on person’s functionality system introduction were amended in 2022 and in 2023.

They were necessary for operating of the new regulations at first level: the RA Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Tatevik Stepanyan during the sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs on January 9.

According to the key rapporteur, laws relating to the enclosed institutions, and in the view of terminology the abovementioned amendments are made, the notions are harmonized to provide perfect use.

The Committee debated in the first reading the legislative package designing the law on Medical Aid and Service of Population and to enclosed laws.

The Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs Heriknaz Tigranyan was interested in the sequence of the steps for the assessment of the person’s functionality process. From 2024 the medical-social examination is replaced by the assessment of person’s functionality. She asked in what sequence of steps of the functionality assessment the person should act.

The Deputy Minister clarified that because of expiring the re-examination term or deterioration of the health state the citizens should apply to them – the primary medical aid and service of population (polyclinics or hospital) for the assessment of functionality. Tatevik Stepanyan informed that a special system was created, by which the system carries out sending to relevant institution in self-working way based on medical researches, and the citizen does not need to submit any document. Afterwards, the person can approach any unified social service territorial centre (49 such centres function to fill in an application with the help of special employees. The citizens also can fill in abovementioned application also online, after which they will receive relevant notification on the assessment day within certain term.

The MPs addressed question to the Deputy Minister on the peculiarities of the new system introduction, and detailed answers were given connected with this.

The Committee endorsed the legislative package.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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