The initiative is aimed at protecting the entities’ interests. The Chairman of the State Revenue Committee (SRC) Rustam Badasyan said this, presenting for debate in the second reading the addenda being proposed in the law on State Duty.
The initiative was debated at the sitting of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs on January 10. The Deputy Chair of the Committee Babken Tunyan moderated the sitting.
The rates of the state duty for temporary maintenance of the goods are set by the legislation in force. The Government proposes to raise the rates set in the amount of 1000 AMD for every tonne and for more than tonne 300 AMD more for every one tonne.
It was noted that the rise of the rates of the state duty for the vehicles is conditioned by the limited opportunities of the territories of the maintenance of the goods subject of the temporary maintenance. In particular, it refers to the temporary maintenance place being on the territory of the Gyumri Foreign Economic Activity Centre and the more effective use of that territory. “We raise the duty so that the taxpayer understands that the taxpayer should not leave the car in the unnecessary customs control zone, as it causes damage to another taxpayer,” Rustam Badasyan underlined.
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It is proposed by the initiative not to charge state duty for the first day of the temporary maintenance of the goods, and start the charge from the second day. Rustam Badasyan answered the MPs’ questions. Noting that the purpose of the initiative is not to ensure additional incomes to
the state budget, but decent organization of the works, the rapporteur expressed readiness to begin charge of the state duty by the MPs’ proposal from the fourth day.
As the rapporteur informed, the Gyumri customs can daily formulate and release about 550 vehicles, which is sufficient to manage the flow of cars.
It is designed that the law will enter into force after six months of the official publication.
The revised draft was endorsed.
National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia