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Sargis Khandanyan: Relations between Parliaments of Armenia and Austria activated in recent years

January 18,2024 10:44

The relations, the contacts between the parliaments of Armenia and Austria activated in recent years. The cooperation on different international platforms is effective. The Chair of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of the National Assembly Sargis Khandanyan said, welcoming the delegation of the National Council of Austria visited Armenia.

Speaking about Armenia-European Union (EU) cooperation and the implementation of the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement, Sargis Khandanyan noted that there is great potential of development of collaboration in the security, economic and in a number of other spheres.

Regarding the regional problems, the Committee Chair highly appreciated the role of the European Union in establishing lasting peace and stability in the South Caucasus. The importance of deploying the EU civilian observation mission in our country was underscored.

The members of the Austrian Parliament mentioned that they came to Armenia to study the security situation, the political processes of our country, as well as to get acquainted with the humanitarian problems of the forcibly displaced persons from Nagorno Karabakh.

At the guests’ request Sargis Khandanyan touched upon the normalization process of Armenia-Turkey relations and presented the Crossroads of Peace project.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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