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62,000 beneficiaries received humanitarian assistance, including around 20,000 people benefiting at the support centers

January 25,2024 18:03

All Armenian Fund’s Support to the Forcibly Displaced Artsakh People

Since the onset of the Azerbaijani aggression against Artsakh in September 2023, the Hayastan All Armenian Fund, with the support of its worldwide network, has been actively engaged in addressing the immediate needs of our compatriots forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh.

Considering the resettlement of forcibly displaced people across the regions of the Republic of Armenia, the Fund has focused on the most densely populated regions such as Syunik, Vayots Dzor, Ararat, Armavir, Aragatsotn, Kotayk, and Gegharkunik. In the selection of the geography of humanitarian assistance projects, it was also taken into account that a number of other humanitarian and non-governmental organizations, as well as the RA government, regional governments, and local self-government bodies, had started implementation of various support programs in the regions of the Republic.

Given the enormous scale of the humanitarian crisis and the geography of the forcibly displaced people, the Fund has chosen to coordinate and implement the support distribution of goods through regional partner non-governmental organizations. These organizations had previously collaborated closely with the Fund and RA state and local self-government bodies back in the 2020 war and postwar period when over 90,000 people were temporarily displaced to Armenia.

After mapping the NGOs with a proven track record of effective collaboration with the Fund, the following organizations were designated by the regions:

·       “WINNET Goris” Development Fund – Syunik

·       “You are not alone” Women’s Support NGO – Vayots Dzor

·       “Armavir Development Center” NGO – Armavir, Ararat, Aragatsotn

·       “Martuni Women’s Community Council” NGO – Gegharkunik

·       “Resource Center for Women Empowerment” NGO – Kotayk

·       “Armenian Red Cross Society” NGO – Ararat, Kotayk, Shirak, Lori, Tavush, Vayots Dzor, Syunik, Gegharkunik

·       “Himnatavush Development Fund” – Kornidzor, Syunik, and Tavush

·       “Women’s Resource Center” NGO – Yerevan (women-headed families)

Through effective cooperation, approximately 200 tons of humanitarian aid have been distributed to needy families in the mentioned regions from September 21, 2023, to present. This assistance included food and hygiene kits, warm clothes, beds, beddings, blankets, heaters, etc.

The target groups among displaced families were selected based on specific criteria:

·       Socially vulnerable

·       Extended families

·       Persons with disabilities

·       Families with a deceased member

·       Elderly people

·       Single mothers

In total, 62,000 beneficiaries received humanitarian assistance, including around 20,000 people benefiting at the support centers established in Kornidzor during the deportation days. Partner organizations have submitted detailed disbursement reports for each round of assistance provided, including statistical and narrative descriptions, beneficiary registration sheets signed by the beneficiaries. The Fund has conducted distribution monitoring on-site, filming, and producing videos for social media posts.

The humanitarian aid was generously financed by the Fund’s worldwide partners Armenia Fund USA, Fonds Arménien de France, Hayastan Foundation Toronto Inc., Hayastan All Armenian Charitable Trust GB, Comite Brasileiro para a Reconstrução da Armênia, as well as the funds collected by the Hayastan All Armenian Fund. The Fund expresses gratitude to its partners worldwide for financing rapid humanitarian response projects and the regional partner NGOs for their timely and targeted distribution of support.

At this stage, the Hayastan All Armenian Fund concludes its emergency response support projects, transitioning to the development and implementation of mid-term projects to support our forcibly displaced compatriots.

Throughout its 32 years of operation, the Hayastan All Armenian Fund has implemented thousands of humanitarian and development projects for Nagorno-Karabakh and Artsakh people. Now, as our compatriots were forced to leave their homeland and settle in the Republic of Armenia, the Fund will remain committed to supporting them through various projects.

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