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As a result of explosion taken place on 34th street of Nor Aresh, 2 people suffered

February 05,2024 14:02

Two residential houses in Yerevan’s Erebuni district collapsed Monday morning as a result of an explosion, Internal Affairs Ministry spokesperson Narek Sargsyan said.

There were no reports on casualties. However, eyewitnesses said 2 people are trapped in the rubble. The cause of the blast at 34 Nor Aresh Street wasn’t immediately clear. According to preliminary information, the cause of the explosion was a natural gas leak. Two people, both women, are under the rubble. The voice of one of them is heard. There were no other family members living in the house at the time of the explosion.

The explosion damaged all neighboring houses and windows were blown out. Police have cordoned off the neighborhood. Rescuers have brought in dogs to find those trapped under the rubble.

Police received the 911 call on an explosion at 11:43.

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