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Historically unprecedented “peaceableness “

February 19,2024 10:30

As much as I have studied the history of different nations, I have not yet come across an episode where the soldiers of a country are killed, and the leadership of that country says: “Oh, sorry, we were to blame.” (Besides, it is not important who is guilty). And when the head of the country personally promises that “the guilty will be punished,” that, you must agree, is already ultimately “novelty” in terms of the message sent to the world and one’s own country. This government had already proved its “unprecedentedness” when the Prime Minister announced that he would not start a war for this or that part of the sovereign territory of his state. No leader should stay in his position after such a statement.

The world needs to be convinced that we are incredibly peace-loving. But whether that belief exists or not, it does us no real good. Even more so, the enemy does not “soften” from our humiliation and does not give up his ambitions, which are growing daily. On the contrary, it becomes bolder and more aggressive. Because of this attitude of the government in Armenian society, the resistance weakens, and the following mood is formed. “Let’s live today, let’s enjoy life. Whatever will happen tomorrow, let it happen.”

But that “today” can last days, weeks, months, even years. Nevertheless, it is not an era of peace. Once again, history shows that peace cannot be achieved by bowing to the enemy. Peace can be reached when the enemy is afraid to attack you.

“So, what do you propose?” is usually the question asked by the promoters of the Civil Contract. I can only suggest steps that are obvious on the surface; do stop “inviting” the enemy to take new aggressive steps. “Do whatever you want, we will not respond, we will stick to the peace agenda” is an invitation to attack.

To offer more principled solutions, one should know the details of unofficial contacts between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Armenia and EU (USA), and Armenia and Russia.



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