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Proposed amendments to law on Transplantation of Human Organs and (or) Tissues debated

February 29,2024 12:45

Since the adoption of the law, the main legislative acts regulating the health sector have been amended. It was necessary to elaborate a new draft in order to ensure compliance between the laws and to settle a number of problems that arose in practice in the field of transplantation.

The RA Deputy Minister of Health Armen Gasparyan said this. In the first reading, he presented the proposed amendments and addenda to the law on Transplantation of Human Organs and (or) Tissues.

Touching upon the key amendments, the rapporteur informed that, in addition to ‘brain death’, the notion of ‘biological death’ is also legislatively enshrined in the notions of the law.

The limitations of living donor selection were also reviewed. “According to the amendments, a person’s turning 65 years old or being recognized as disabled will no longer be a barrier to acting as a living donor,” the rapporteur noted.

Answering the MPs’ questions, the Deputy Minister mentioned that 150 cornea transplants are performed in our country every year.

The endorsement of the Standing Committee on Health Care was presented by the Deputy Chair of the Committee Lusine Badalyan. The deputy urged her colleagues to vote for the draft.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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