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“We personally acquainted ourselves with the problems of each individual, as well as the overarching issues concerning our compatriots”

March 06,2024 18:30

Meeting with our compatriots forcibly displaced from Artsakh in the village of Aramus.

Together with my colleagues from the RA National Assembly, Anna Grigoryan and Elinar Vardanyan, we had a sincere conversation with our compatriots forcibly displaced from Artsakh in the Aramus village of Kotayk region.

We personally acquainted ourselves with the problems of each individual, as well as the overarching issues concerning our compatriots.

Metakse Hakobyan, one of the most active figures in Artsakh, also attended the meeting.

We will exert every effort within our powers to address their problems.

P.S. Thanks to the National Democratic Institute for organizing the meeting.


Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs of the National Assembly of RA, whose powers have been illegally terminated, nonpartisan MP TAGUHI TOVMASYAN


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