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The persons cannot freely form and present their consent to being videotaped and to the broadcasting or dissemination of videos with their participation-Anahit Manasyan

March 12,2024 21:00

On March 10, one of the Azerbaijani TV stations broadcasted a video announcing about the series of interviews with the former leadership of Nagorno Karabakh, who are being held in prison by Azerbaijan.

The Human Rights Defender of RA emphasizes that the preparation and dissemination of the video contradicts the international standards on this issue.

Persons with the mentioned status should not be made an object of public interest for various reasons, including to respect the dignity of the person and to protect them from any harassment.

Being incarcerated, the mentioned persons cannot freely form and present their consent to being videotaped and to the broadcasting or dissemination of videos with their participation, which is of key importance.

As a result of the publication of the data and its dissemination on social networks, the mentioned persons are additionally targeted by the public, as evidenced by the negative comments of Azerbaijani users regarding that video.

It’s crucial to remind that on June 5, 2023, one of the public television stations of Azerbaijan broadcasted a video in which it referred to the Armenian prisoners of war. In the report, the Azerbaijani journalist was talking to 5 Armenian prisoners of war.

The Defender issued a statement regarding the video and its dissemination, which can be accessed by following the link.


Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Armenia

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