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Fourth GREEN Armenia platform policy dialogue urges action to enhance country’s water sector

March 13,2024 15:45

On 6 March, the Government of Armenia, jointly with the European Union, World Bank, and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), held the 4th policy dialogue of the joint Growth and Recovery to Empower, Equip and Nurture (GREEN) Armenia Platform.

The meeting identified innovative ideas and shared global knowledge on how sustainable water and wastewater management can contribute to the country’s increased resilience to climate change.

“Armenia has sufficient water resources availability, however this resource is fast declining because of climate change and too much water lost on its way from the source to its destination. A shift in the mindset is needed, recognising that water requires better management,” said Carolin Geginat, the World Bank Country Manager for Armenia.

“Increased irrigation needs, climate change, and an outdated water infrastructure pose risks to the available water resources in Armenia. In order to prevent further water losses, Armenia needs to develop better wastewater treatment, step up efforts to clean Lake Sevan and develop and implement a water management strategy,”  said Vassilis Maragos, EU Ambassador to Armenia.

He added the EU stood ready to support the Armenian government in all of these efforts, including in the context of the EU-Armenian Investment Coordination Platform, established “to accelerate investments of critical and strategic importance for Armenia” as part of the EU Economic and Investment Plan for Armenia.

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