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WWF Armenia Launches Earth Hour 2024

March 15,2024 19:01

On March 23, at 8:30 pm, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Armenia launches Earth Hour 2024, the 18th edition of the world’s largest environmental movement. This year, Earth Hour transcends its traditional lights-off moment to become a movement that extends far beyond a single hour, focusing on the urgent need to save the species of our planet.

Earth Hour, initiated in Armenia by WWF since 2008, has grown into a monumental annual event, inspiring communities, cities, and individuals to take action in the face of the urgent environmental crisis. In 2023, over 410,000 hours were dedicated to our planet by supporters in 190 countries and territories, marking it as the Biggest Hour for Earth.

Yet, standing at a critical juncture in the fight against irreversible nature loss and climate change, Earth Hour 2024 emphasizes the need to extend the commitment beyond just turning off the lights for one hour. This year, it’s not just about an hour; it’s about saving the species of our country and the planet. According to the Living Report 2023, Earth loses one species almost every hour, with a 69% drop in population since 1970.

“Earth Hour 2024 encourages participants to go beyond the symbolic ‘lights off’ moment to address this alarming issue. The campaign challenges individuals to ‘Give an hour for Earth’ by dedicating 60 minutes to positive actions that directly contribute to the conservation our planet’s species,” said the Head of Fundraising, Partnership and Communications of WWF-Armenia, Zhak Niazyan.

WWF Armenia calls upon individuals, communities, and organizations to join Earth Hour on March 23 at 8:30 pm, not only by turning off the electricity but by actively participating in support programs that ensure the protection of the country’s species.

Yerevan Municipality, as well as a number of province and community administrations have already confirmed their participation in Earth Hour 2024.

Together, let’s make Earth Hour 2024 the catalyst for positive change. By extending our commitment beyond the symbolic hour, we can work collectively to build a sustainable and thriving future for all species on Earth.




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