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“The European Union supports the digitalization agenda of Armenia in the sphere of migration through the project “European Union Impact for Armenia”

March 23,2024 16:30

Member of NA delegation Tatevik Gasparyan gives a speech in Euronest PA


The RA NA delegation to the Assembly takes part in the works of the Eastern Partnership Parliamentary Assembly going on Brussels. The member of the NA delegation to the Assembly Tatevik Gasparyan gave a speech.

“ Esteemed colleagues,

Today, we are discussing the important topic of digitalization and access to social services and rights. Armenia considers it imperative to harness the power of digital transformation to ensure equal opportunities for all citizens in accessing essential services and safeguarding their fundamental rights.

In this context, I am pleased to highlight some recent advancements made in Armenia regarding digitalization and access to social services as well as share my thoughts on strengthening our cooperation with the European Union (EU) and other countries in this field. In 2021, the Armenian Government adopted the “Digitalization Strategy of Armenia , ” outlining key priorities for the next five years as a comprehensive roadmap for digital transformation initiatives within the country. This strategy serves as a blueprint for all activities related to digitalization in Armenia.

Armenia’s Digitalization Strategy aims to enhance public service quality, boost efficiency and transparency within the administration system, foster broadband and telecommunication infrastructures, elevate private sector competitiveness, facilitate data-driven decision making crucial for economic growth, and cultivate a workforce proficient in digital skills. Armenia emphasizes the delivery of citizen-focused, universally accessible, and technology-driven public services through a single online platform.

The European Union supports the digitalization agenda of Armenia in the sphere of migration through the project “European Union Impact for Armenia: Strengthening Migration Management Capacities in Support of Government Reform Agenda in Line with CEPA”.

In September 2023 when the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh were forcibly displaced, Armenia was faced with the challenge of hosting more than 100,000 persons. While the forcibly displaced were still in the Lachin Corridor waiting in kilometers-long lines to reach Armenia, the Government had already set up an online platform for people to register on and to communicate their emergency needs, such as shelter, clothing, food and medicine. Reception points with social service workers and volunteers were set up to assist those forcibly displaced that could not use the online platform themselves. In the following months, the Government set up additional digital tools for the forcibly displaced people to now access all of the integration services online. This was indeed a time when the state institutional capacities, including those of providing fast digitalized services, passed a tough test.

Of course, establishing cross-border collaboration platforms would be of utmost importance in order to facilitate knowledge sharing, resource pooling, and joint project implementation among social service providers within Armenia, across the Eastern Partnership countries and with the European Union. This would enable us to collectively address common challenges and leverage synergies for greater impact.

By working together on these fronts, we can create a more inclusive, efficient, and accessible social service delivery system across our geographies that leverages the power of digitalization for the benefit of all citizens.

Thank you ,” the deputy said.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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