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It is proposed to make the fiduciary management of the company share with additional liability as a type of activity to be notified

April 10,2024 15:03

It is proposed to make the fiduciary management of the company share with additional liability as a type of activity to be notified, making relevant amendments to the law on Notification of the Activity Implementation. At April 9 RA NA sitting, The Deputy Minister of Justice Karen Karapetyan in the first reading introduced the draft law on Amending the law on Public Service and the attached presented package of draft laws.

According to the key rapporteur, the adoption of the legislative initiative is conditioned by the requirement of continuous improvement and adaptation in the law on Public Service and related laws on December 7, 2022. “At the same time it is proposed to make addenda to the law on State Duty, by which it will be defined for handing the fiduciary management of the company share with additional liability and gaining right to fiduciary management of the additional liability company,” Karen Karapetyan detailed.

Presenting the endorsement of the Head Committee on the legislative package, the member of the Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs noted that proposing amendments will promote the solution of the existing practical problems and the exclusion of misperceptions of the legislative regulations.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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