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EU-Armenia Roadmap to open new opportunities in international cultural relations and diplomacy

April 19,2024 14:14

The EU-Armenia Roadmap on engaging the country in international cultural relations and strengthening support to culture and cultural actors was presented on 17 April in Yerevan.

The Roadmap was developed in consultation with the EU member states, European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC, the European network of organisations engaging in cultural relations), and institutional and civil society cultural players.

The document aims to structure EU cultural relations in Armenia. It envisages enhanced engagement with stakeholders and defines steps and priorities to maximise the impact of various EU tools, projects, and programmes in culture, identifying new opportunities for international cultural relations and diplomacy.

“Cooperation in the cultural field is a priority, focusing on intercultural dialogue, cooperation, diversity, and cultural and historical heritage,” the EU Delegation to Armenia said in a Facebook post.


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