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Tigran Hakobyan: Such regulations should be found so that the channels of foreign countries do not impose the political agenda that is alien to us

April 29,2024 09:44

It’s already the fourth year, I have to confirm that the media operating under the control of the Commission have acted freely, independently, without the interference of state institutions. Why are we confident, because at the end of each year, we send an official written request to all the broadcasters, network operators, licensed and authorized television and radio companies and ask whether there was any interference by the state in their activities: The Chairman of the Commission on Television and Radio Tigran Hakobyan said, presenting the annual report on the activities of the Commission on Television and Radio (CTR) for 2023.

The issue was debated at the sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport on April 26.

Tigran Hakobyan noted that the Commission acted according to the legislation and the Constitution, independently and transparently. He added that the decisions were always made without external interference based on the principle of collegiality.

Tigran Hakobyan informed that 82 messages, 9 announcements were published on the official website of the Commission within a year. 111 inquiries and complaints were received. In 2023, 64 administrative proceedings were initiated: 57 – on their own initiative and 7 on the basis of the administrative complaints. Court appeals against decisions have also increased sharply: during 2023, the Commission had 27 administrative court cases. Tigran Hakobyan also spoke about the necessity for legislative amendments regulating the media sphere.

The CTR Chairman answered the MPs’ questions.

Answering the question that the Commission should close the Russian channels, Tigran Hakobyan mentioned that such regulations should be found so that the channels of foreign countries do not impose the political agenda that is alien to us and contradicts our legislation. He expressed his conviction that it is necessary to envisage legislative amendments.

The Committee took note of the annual report on the activities of the Commission on Television and Radio for 2023.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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