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An opportunity to be given to render state services in communities by establishing an authorizing norm

May 01,2024 11:15

In 2016, we have stated as a policy that state certain functions can be rendered not only through appropriate digital platforms of the authorizing bodies, but we can and we should use digital wider opportunities, which will make the services more accessible and affordable for population. At present, that opportunity was increased in 75 settlements, which are included in 51 communities, we have offices properly completed by the citizens’ service technical and programme means. The RA Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Vache Terteryan said this.

At April 30 RA NA regular sitting the package of draft laws on Making Addendum to the law on Civil Acts Registration and the enclosed presented ones.

The adoption of the presenting package of bills stems from the necessity of establishing authorizing norms for the draft decisions of the RA Government on Amending the decision of the RA Government of October 27, 2016.

“We want those state services, which are defined by the relevant decision of the Government also to render from those settlements. Authorizing norm is necessary for the Government in order we’ll be able to complete the list of the communities. Establishing an authorizing norm, we’ll be able to realize additional opportunities and render those services in the communities,” Vache Terteryan detailed.

The member of the Standing (Head) Committee on State and Legal Affairs Alkhas Ghazaryan presented the endorsement of the Committee, requesting her colleagues to vote for the package of the draft laws.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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