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Government proposes amendments in legislation regulating gaming sphere

May 02,2024 12:45

The Executive proposes amendments to the laws on Lotteries and on Winning Games, Internet Winning Games and Casinos. The Deputy Chairman of the RA State Revenue Committee (SRC) Artur Manukyan noted that by the current legislation the authorizing body, the Ministry of Finance carries out control towards the licensing.

In case of having expired tax obligations by the persons having license of organizing winning games, internet winning games and casinos, the tax body provides information to the authorized body during 5 days following those obligations becoming expired. In case of suspending the license action, and being repeated during one year that information is a basis for terminating it. “The problem is that even the next day of becoming expired, when the subject fulfills the obligation, which can be 5.000 AMD, 10.000 AMD or 20.000 AMD, it’s the same that the basis of suspending the license action,” Artur Manukyan clarified. It is proposed to establish 10-day term. During that period, if the licensing expired obligations are not fulfilled, then the tax body will provide information to the authorized body about that. The norm will not refer to the fulfillment of the obligations of the annual state duty.

The SRC Deputy Chairman informed that similar regulations are included in the package regulating the gaming spheres adopted in the first reading by the parliament, but that package will enter into force later.

The member of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Davit Arushanyan presented the endorsement of the Committee.

In case of having expired tax obligations by the persons having license of organizing winning games, internet winning games and casinos, the tax body provides information to the authorized body during 5 days following those obligations becoming expired. In case of suspending the license action, and being repeated during one year that information is a basis for terminating it. “The problem is that even the next day of becoming expired, when the subject fulfills the obligation, which can be 5.000 AMD, 10.000 AMD or 20.000 AMD, it’s the same that the basis of suspending the license action,” Artur Manukyan clarified. It is proposed to establish 10-day term. During that period, if the licensing expired obligations are not fulfilled, then the tax body will provide information to the authorized body about that. The norm will not refer to the fulfillment of the obligations of the annual state duty.

The SRC Deputy Chairman informed that similar regulations are included in the package regulating the gaming spheres adopted in the first reading by the parliament, but that package will enter into force later.

The member of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Davit Arushanyan presented the endorsement of the Committee.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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