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Representative of Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade of Malta hosted in Parliament

May 08,2024 17:15

the member of the RA NA delegation to Parliamentary Assembly to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE PA) Maria Karapetyan met with the Director General of Global Issues, International Development and Economic Affairs of the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade of Malta Neville Aquilina and the Ambassador of Malta in Austria.

Welcoming the guests, Maria Karapetyan highlighted the cooperation of two countries, including within the OSCE.

The MP presented the security challenges of Armenia and the steps taken by Armenia aimed at its solution, as well as the possible ways of support by the international community in that direction and particularly, by the OSCE, touched upon the settlement of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the treaty on establishment of peace and inter-state relations, the steps taken by the Armenian side in that issue, as well as the delimitation and demarcation process.

Maria Karapetyan also voiced the issue of return of Armenian prisoners of war being held in Azerbaijan.

The parliamentarian of Armenia spoke about the Crossroads of Peace project drafted by the RA Government and its given opportunities. Maria Karapetyan underscored that the regional communications should be opened under of the principles of equality and reciprocity, as well as the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the countries.

Thanking Maria Karapetyan for reception, the representative of the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade underlined that in recent years the cooperation between Malta and Armenia was enhanced. He expressed readiness to continue the cooperation during the Chairpersonship of Malta in the OSCE and in bilateral format.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia            

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