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The EAFJD Calls for Action to Protect the Historic Armenian Quarter in Jerusalem

May 08,2024 19:30

The European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy (EAFJD) has addressed a letter to the Head of the Mission of Israel to the EU and NATO, the  Members of the European Parliament Delegation for Relations with Israel, and the main Jewish organizations in the EU and Belgium, addressing the alarming circumstances threatening the historic Armenian quarter in Jerusalem.

The letter urges the addressees to use their leverage to call on the Israeli authorities to take appropriate action and stop the highly destructive developments in Jerusalem.

Dating back to the 4th century, the Armenian presence in Jerusalem holds deep historical significance. However, this historic quarter is currently under threat due to aggressive actions by extremists, settlers, and businesspeople, seeking to appropriate the land. Recent incidents, including an attack led by individuals associated with Israeli-Australian businessman Danny Rubenstein, have targeted the Armenian community, resulting in injuries and arrests among Armenian residents. Despite protests and calls for protection, the Israeli authorities have not taken decisive action to safeguard the Armenian quarter from these hostile incursions. The letter can be found here

In the light of these developments, the EAFJD urges the Israeli authorities to protect the status quo of Jerusalem and refrain from altering the demographic composition, institutional structure, and the physical, cultural and historical character of Jerusalem.Drawing parallels between the suffering endured by both Armenians and Jews throughout history and having had to fight racial hatred, the EAFJD emphasizes that the Israeli authorities have a duty to prevent such occurrences in Jerusalem.

As European citizens, the EAFJD and its committees across 14 countries in Europe, call on stakeholders in the EU to utilize their influence in advocating for the preservation of the Armenian quarter in Jerusalem. It is imperative that the historic quarters of Jerusalem are maintained, and that Israel takes proactive measures to prevent further destruction and intimidation within the Armenian quarter.

The EAFJD remains steadfast in its commitment to defending the rights and heritage of the Armenian community in Jerusalem.

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