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The destruction of the Holy Ascension Church in Berdzor is another manifestation of Azerbaijani vandalism

May 13,2024 14:02

On May 11, 2024, a satellite image published on the Internet clearly showed that Azerbaijan had completely destroyed the St. Ascension (St. Hambardzum) Church in Berdzor. This is another act of vandalism – a typical behaviour for Azerbaijan, where one of the primary aims is the eradication of Armenian cultural heritage in the occupied territories.

This is cultural genocide, which is characterized by deliberate disregard or destruction of the cultural values of an ethno-religious or religious group and is one of the actions associated with genocide. The objective is to establish that this group never lived in the designated area and had no cultural presence there.

Back in 2022, Azerbaijan’s “Public Organization for the Protection of Monuments” propesed converting the Surb Hambardzum Church in Berdzor into a mosque. It is important to note that Azerbaijan’s state policy, under the dictatorial leadership of Aliyev, has openly declared its intention to continue the destruction of Armenian heritage built over the past thirty years. The most evident instance of this was the photograph showed by BBC News on March 25, 2021, depicting the complete destruction of the St. Astvatsatsin Church in Mekhakavan, built in 2013.

Thus, with the tacit consent of the civilized world, the Armenian cultural heritage in the territory of Artsakh is gradually being destroyed. There is little doubt that Azerbaijan will complete its planned cultural genocide, as evidenced by the events in Nakhijevan and other territories under its control.

“Geghard” Scientific and Analytical Foundation strongly condemns yet another act of vandalism by the state of Azerbaijan.

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