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Ways of notifying citizens increased

May 13,2024 15:03

Within the framework of organizing and holding of conscription for compulsory military service, exercise gatherings and military exercises the ways of perfect notifications being given for appearing at their military registration office, as well as the framework of approving the documents and facts of their receipt by a citizen are specified by the draft law.

At May 10 sitting, the Standing Committee on Defense and Security of the National Assembly debated in the first reading the draft law on Making Addenda and Amendments to the law on Military Service and Serviceman’s Status authored by the Government, which presented the RA Deputy Minister of Defense Hrachya Sargsyan.

It is defined that the notice is considered perfect notification to the citizen by providing it through documents or email or personally or publicly, on the website

The deputy Vilen Gabrielyan asked what will happen in case when the citizen is notified in any way. Hrachya Sargsyan clarified that in that case measures of responsibility are prescribed by relevant Article.

It was noted before the notification if the citizen is in the country, or not.

In the format of exchange of ideas, the Deputy Minister informed that the necessity of the draft came up, as there are certain problems related to notifying the citizens, very often the citizens deliberately avoid to be notified.

Hrachya Sargsyan informed that at the beginning the citizen will be notified through his official email. The official email is considered the mail, which the citizen gets while receiving the identification card. 5 days after the email notification, the notification is carried out through sending documents by post, afterwards the other ways of notification will follow. 10 days after the last notification, which will be through the website: the citizen will be considered officially notified.

The MPs and the experts presented some proposals and observations, which will be debated by the author.

The Committee endorsed the draft.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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