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«We want to think “quality” and “innovation” when we say Armenia.»- Emma Arakelyan

May 17,2024 18:03

The Digital Julfa pan-Armenian Network is created to revive and bring to light the accomplishments, power, and outstanding potential of Armenians in the world.

Emma Arakelyan, CEO Founder of Orion Worldwide Innovations, which has been operating in Armenia since 2017, along with her colleagues initiated the Digital Julfa Network program. This pan-Armenian network, known as Digital Julfa Network, combines the power and  potential of Armenians worldwide. The latter is an initiative consolidating the intellectual, technological, commercial, and cultural potential of Armenians globally, launched on the FastexVerse platform with the MetaVerse software solution.

Speaking to Aravot, Emma Arakelyan, who has worked in more than 40 countries, says that Armenians have been able to create a large network for centuries in the fields of economy, law, trade, innovation and other directions, from Amsterdam to Manila and even the suburbs of Hong Kong, which has existed for 300 years. According to her, now it is possible to restore all that with 21st century reality, using the infinite possibilities of technology and the digital world.

“We are digitizing New Julfa to serve as a pan-Armenian force, ensuring that the mention of Armenia evokes conception of quality and innovation. We want all that to be connected not only to individuals, but also to restore our influence and leadership around the world as a nation. The Digital Julfa network includes all sectors, from culture, education and science, to technological, banking and other fields. Moreover, although the initiative started in Armenia, it is not limited to Armenia, because the goal is to secure a global position for Armenia by consolidating the Pan-Armenian intellectual and business potential.”

“Despite the severe events that occurred from the 1850s to the beginning of the 20th century, including the Armenian Genocide, Armenians continued to exert significant influence and maintain a strong presence worldwide in fields such as intellectual property, innovation, art, cinema, culture, and technology. This enduring influence provides a solid foundation for the creation of the Digital Julfa Network.”

I’ve had the opportunity to work in over 40 countries, engaging with representatives from diverse nations and witnessing the Armenian influence on a global scale. Now, it’s vitally important for us to present these achievements in a cohesive and compelling manner, especially considering the abundance of available resources today. Pan-Armenian power and technological platforms offer ample opportunities for us to establish a strong global presence. We report significant figures in culture, science, banking, finance, and various other fields who are making notable contributions across different countries, from Australia to the Financial District of New York. Our objective is to showcase these achievements on a unified platform.

For 300 years, Armenians have maintained their influence despite lacking a state, thanks to their innovative spirit. They were pioneers in various fields; for instance, Alexander Mantashov led the way in the oil industry. Therefore, we’re not embarking on anything entirely new; rather, we’re rebuilding our historical legacy by leveraging digital technologies and innovation. We’ve secured partners for the project and have begun with the MetaVerse software solution on the FastexVerse platform. MetaVerse boasts a significant history, with substantial investments made to establish this platform.

“Since the platform is already prepared, we invite Armenians from all around the world—across science, finance, trade, culture, and every other field, including our globally recognized companies—to join us in making the New Julfa platform truly pan-Armenian,” said Emma Arakelyan.

She believes that Armenia’s educational system is well-prepared for global challenges,

particularly given that innovation is ingrained in our heritage. Armenia is defined not only by Armenians residing within its borders, but also by the entire global Armenian community. Over the past 30 years, the involvement of the Diaspora and their connection to Armenian heritage has become increasingly significant. Today, the preservation of our history and culture is a prime concern. This program serves as a testament to the impactful contributions Armenians, despite lacking statehood, have made to global innovation, trade, and culture over the past 300 years. Additionally, Julfa’s presence in various universities, museums, and libraries is noticeable.

Emma Arakelyan mentioned that they are also trying to consolidate Armenian think tanks operating in different corners of the world; in particular, they are already cooperating with ASOF (Armenian Society of Fellows), where more than 350 scientists, historians, and businessmen are included, including two Nobel Prize-winning Armenians.

To be engaged in the program: send an email to



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