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Liability for misrepresented information is proposed

May 18,2024 15:00

On May 17, the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs debated the draft law on Making Addendum and Amendments to the RA Code on Administrative Offenses in the first reading, which was presented by the Deputy Chairman of the RA State Revenue Committee Artur Manukyan.

According to the rapporteur, if the data is not reliable, filled in incorrectly, it is proposed to establish liability in the Code of Administrative Offenses. When the information is filled in incorrectly for the first time, it will be followed by a warning. If the error is not corrected within 1 month, the fine will be 10 thousand AMD. If the error is not corrected within 30 days for the second time, the fine will be fifty times the minimum salary.

It is also proposed to remove the invalid provisions from the Code.

The draft was endorsed by the Committee.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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